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Sponsor A Child
Sponsored Students

Impactful Sponsorship: Beneficiary Highlights

Explore the journeys of our sponsored students who have thrived and excelled, thanks to the transformative benefits of educational sponsorships.


Age: 6
Gender: Female

Tejveer Kaur

My name is Tejveer Kaur, and I come from a family where my father works hard as an auto driver. His income is not enough to cover my school fees. It breaks my heart to see him struggle and I dream of a brighter future where I can help support my family. I'm in need of financial support to continue my education.


Age: 15
Gender: Male

Tejwinder Singh

I am Tejwinder Singh. We are two siblings. My father does labour work, he has very low income. He can't afford my school fees. So, I need your suppot. Please help me...


Age: 7
Gender: Male

Tripatkabir Singh

My name is Tripatkabir Singh. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 20
Gender: Male

Trunjeet Singh

Hello, I am Tarunjeet singh From Barnala. My Father is a driver and he has very low earning and can only bare Bread butter for whole family. It is very difficult to him to pay my school expanses. but I wish I could be highly qualified and will help to some one in my life . please help me to achieve my goal .I need your Support. please!!


Age: 17
Gender: Male

Uday Singh

My name is Uday Singh. My father has died. We are living with maternal family & my mother is totally depends on pension. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Udham Singh

My name is Udham Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my bright future study.


Age: 7
Gender: Male

Upkar Singh

My name is Upkar Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 6
Gender: Male

Vahenoor Singh

My name is Vahenoor Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 16
Gender: Male

Vaibhav Kumar

My name is Vaibhav Kumar. My father does private job, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my study.


Age: 16
Gender: Female


ssa ji I am Vaisnavi from Tarn Taran, m belonging to a poor family my father can`t afford my school fee. please help me for my studies.


Age: 4
Gender: Female

Vanshika Dhiman

My name is Vanshika Dhiman. My father, working tirelessly as a labourer, earns very little, making it impossible for them to cover my school fees.So,I needs some help to go to school.


Age: 8
Gender: Female

Vanshika Sharma

My name is Vanshika Sharma. My father is a confectioner. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my further study.


Age: 6
Gender: Female

Vanshjot Kaur

My name is Vanshjot Kaur. My father is an auto driver. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 15
Gender: Female

Varanpreet Kaur

My name is Varanpreet Kaur. My father is not well and My mother does little work, she has low income. So, she can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me.


Age: 8
Gender: Female

Variamjot Kaur

My name is Variamjot Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.


Age: 10
Gender: Female

Varinder Manro

My name is Varinder Manro. I am student of class fifth. My father works as an assistant at mobile shop. He is underpaid even though working hours are long. Putting our life together becomes a huge challenge. I am in dire need of financial assistance to pursue my education.


Age: 22
Gender: Male

Varinder Singh

My name is Varinder Singh. I am fatherless as my mother does little work, she has very low income. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help for my study. So, that I can achieve my goal.


Age: 13
Gender: Female

Varsirat Kaur

I am Varsirat Kaur from Tarntaran .Unfortunately , my father has passed away and my mother did second marriage .Now that father can't pay my school fee. I am looking for help.I need 27 pounds per month and 324 pounds per year . Please donate me 27 pounds per month to continue my further study .


Age: 20
Gender: Male

Varun Singla

My name is Varun Singla. My father is died. My mother does not do any work. We have not income Source. Our relatives help us . I need your support to pay my school fees. So, please help me...


Age: 6
Gender: Male

Varunveer Singh

My name is Varunveer Singh. My father is missing. My mother works at grocery store. She has low income. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 20
Gender: Male

Vatandeep Singh

My name is Vatandeep Singh.My father is a farmer.He don't have enough field to grow crops and earn money. He has to face difficulties to pay my tuition fees.I need your help....


Age: 8
Gender: Female

Vedika Rani

My name is Vedika Rani. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school expenses. So, I need financial support from you for my study.


Age: 16
Gender: Male

Veer Singh

My name is Veer Singh and I belong to Amritsar district. My father is a street vendor, sells cosmetics goods. Income is unstable thus its difficult to cover our daily expenses. Occurring expenditure on school fee is unthinkable. I would appreciate your support for paying school fee.


Age: 19
Gender: Female

Veerpal Kaur

My name is Veerpal Kaur and I am from a financially disadvantaged family. My father is tireless labourer and his earnings are scant. Unfortunately, he cannot afford my college fee. By investing in my education, you will be empowering me to become a strong and independent woman.


Age: 22
Gender: Female

Veerpal Kaur

My name is Veerpal Kaur. I am pursuing graduation. My father is an electrician by profession. His earnings suffice only for our daily necessities. Paying college fee is out of question. I am anxious to secure financial assistance.


Age: 29
Gender: Female

Veerpal Kaur

I am Veerpal Kaur,I want to become a teacher,please help me for my studies.


Age: 6
Gender: Male

Vihandeep Singh

My name is Vihandeep Singh. My parents are victims of a disability because of which they are unable to work. We sustain our living with income obtained from leased land and the nominal amount of pension. It is increasingly difficuilt to afford the school fee. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance.


Age: 14
Gender: Female

Vikasdeep Kaur

My name is Vikasdeep Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 15
Gender: Male

Vikram Singh

I am Vikram Singh. My father and mother both earn daily wages, but their unstable income makes it hard to cover our expenses and my school fees. Your help with my school fees would be a huge relief and allow me to continue my education.


Age: 17
Gender: Female

Vikramjeet Kaur

My name is Vikramjeet Kaur. My father passed away a few years ago, and my mother now receives a pension. She doing the work decorate the embroided hand fan at home, but her income is not sufficient to cover my education expenses. I kindly request your help to continue my education


Age: 11
Gender: Male

Vikramjeet Singh

My name is Vikramjeet Singh. My father is an auto driver. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.


Age: 17
Gender: Female

Vipandeep Kaur

My name is Vipandeep Kaur. My father does private job. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my education.


Age: 12
Gender: Female

Vipanjot Kaur

My father has passed away. My stepfather is physically challenged. He works occasionally. My mother is a seamstress. Their earnings are meager. It is challenge to manage both our household and educational expenses. I would be great full for your support.


Age: 19
Gender: Female

Vipanpreet Kaur

I am Vipanpreet Kaur from Ludhiana. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. My aim in life is to become a doctor.This is not possible without your help and support, please help me !!


Age: 18
Gender: Male

Vivekpartap Singh

My name is Vivekpartap Singh, my father works hard to cultivate his farming land. He must also take care of my mother who is battling breast cancer and set aside a significant portion of his income for her treatment. As a result it's difficult for us to manage school fees. Please help me to pursue school education.


Age: 16
Gender: Male

Yanishpreet Singh

My name is Yanishpreet Singh. I am FATERLESS . My mother is doing work to manage household expenses and it is very hard for her to pay my school fes. I need your support .Please help me...


Age: 11
Gender: Male

Yashdeep Singh

My name is Yashdeep Singh.My father works in a private factory.He only earns 7000 per month.It is not possible for him to pay my tuition fees.So, it is my humble request to you that please help me to pay my school expenses...


Age: 5
Gender: Female

Yashmeen Kaur

I’m Yashmeen Kaur. My father has passed away, and now we are manage with my mother's stitching work and little pension. Her income is not enough to cover my school fees. So please help support my education by contributing towards my fees.


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Yashnoor Singh

My name is Yashnoor Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he cannot afford my school fees. So, please help me for my higher study.


Age: 11
Gender: Female

Yashreen Kaur

My name is Yashreen Kaur. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.


Age: 12
Gender: Female

Yasmeet Kaur

My name is Yasmeet Kaur. I am student of class seventh. My father works as a painter. His earning are meager. He can't pay my school fee. I require assistance with my school fee to continue my education.


Age: 21
Gender: Male

Yograj Singh

My name is Yograj Singh. My father is farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 22
Gender: Male

Yuvraj Singh

My name is Yuvraj Singh. My father does Private job, he has low income. So, he can't afford my college fees. So, Please help me for my study.


Age: 18
Gender: Male

Yuvraj Singh

My name is Yuvraj Singh.My father is a labourer and my mother is a teacher in private school.My father doesn't give us money because he drinks alcohol.My mother has to manage all my school expenses.It is very difficult for her to pay my school fees. I need your support. Please help me.....


Age: 16
Gender: Male

Yuvraj Singh

My name is Yuvraj singh (FATHERLESS) from Tarn-taran. My mother does little work but her earning is very low. So, its very uncomfortable for us to run our house expenses as well as my educational expenses too. I need your help, please support me to get higher education.
