Age: 8
Gender: Female
Explore the journeys of our sponsored students who have thrived and excelled, thanks to the transformative benefits of educational sponsorships.
Age: 8
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhmanpreet Kaur. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my study.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
My Father is carpenter and his income is very low, So it is very hard for him to pay my school fees. I request to you please support me for my Education.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhmanpreet Singh. My father is a milkman. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my further study.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhmanpreet Singh. My parents got divorce, now i am living with my mother. My mother does little work. She has low income. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help for my future study.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhnoor Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my higher study.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpal Kaur. My father does labour work. My mother is suffering from many diseases.All my father's income spend on the treatment of my mother. He can't afford my school fees.Please help me....
Age: 20
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhpal Singh. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fee. I need your help to pay my school fee.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur.We are four siblings.My father is a farmer.He cannot afford the school fees of four of us because of his low income.I need financial support for my further studies.Please help me.....
Age: 16
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur. My father is a farmer. His annual income is very low. He can hardly pay for the household expenses. I need your support to pay my school fees. Please help me....
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur. My father does labour work and my mother is caretaker, they both have low income. So, they can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur. I am fatherless as my mother does little work at home, she has very low income. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur. My father does labour work and mother does little work. They both have low income. So, they can, afford my college fees. Please help for my higher study.
Age: 13
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur. My dad works at an auto repair shop, but he doesn't earn much money. Because of this, we can't afford to pay my school fees. I really want to keep studying, but I need some help. If you could assist me, then i continue my education."
Age: 9
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhpreet Kaur. I am eight years old. My parents toil hard. They are daily wage earners. Despite their diligent efforts, Income is barely substantial for survival. I humbly seek financial assistance to pursue my education.
Age: 9
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhpreet Singh. My father is granthi singh, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fee. Please help me for my education.
Age: 10
Gender: Male
I am Sukhpreet Singh. My father works long hours as a driver, and my mother sews at home, but their income isn't enough to cover my education costs. They struggle every day, but it's still not enough to pay my school fees. Education is my dream, and your help could make it a reality. Please, if you can, help us by paying my school fees.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhpritam Singh. My father is Self Employed, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhreet Kaur. My father is Granthi Singh at local Gurudwara Sahib and alongside to supplement income he supplies milk to local dairies. Diligent efforts do not stretch enough to cover the basic expenses. It is increasingly difficult to afford the school fee. I solicit funds to pursue studies.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhsheel Singh. We are two siblings. My mother is suffering from a long illness and my father is labourer. We have no any other source of income. It is very hard for my father to pay my school fees. So please help me...
Age: 4
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhsirat Kaur. My father is a school teacher in a local school. We own a small piece of land which we lease out. Our overall income is unstable. Paying our school fee is a challenge. Your help would be a boon for me. It will help me to continue my education.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhveer Kaur. I am deeply saddened by the loss of my father. We sustain our living on limited income obtained from leased farm and the token amount of widow's pension that my mother receives. I am struggling to meet my study expenses. I'm reaching out to seek assistance to continue my education and build a brighter future.
Age: 11
Gender: Male
My name is sukhveer Singh. My father does labour work. His income is very less So, he can' t afford my school fees. Please help me.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
My name is Sukhvir Kaur. My father is not well. He does not do any work. My mother does labour work. She has low income. So, she can't afford my college fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhvir Singh. My father is a mason. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhvir Singh and I belong to Patiala District. As norm is our family's backbone is my father. He earns his livelihood by working as a driver. I am passionate to pursue studies but we face financial crunch. Please help me in achieving my goal.
Age: 9
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhwinder Singh. I am nine years old. My father is a laborer although he works tirelessly yet his income is extremely low. It is difficult to manage household expenses. I desperately need financial assistance in education fee.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Sukhwinder Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Suman Kaur. My father is not well and does labour work. He has low income. So, he can not afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.
Age: 21
Gender: Female
My name is Sumandeep Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So,Please help me for m bright future.
Age: 22
Gender: Female
My name is Sumandeep Kaur. My father is farmer. He has very low income. So, it is very difficult for my father to manage household expenses as well as school expenses. Please help me...
Age: 22
Gender: Female
I'm Sumandeep Kaur. My father does labour work. He earns a limited income but my school charges are very high. He is not able to bear my school charges due to low income. I want to get higher education. So, I need your support. It's my humble request please help me....
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Sumandeep Kaur. My father is a Farmer. His annual income is very low. My educational expenses are very high. So, it is not possible for my father to manage my educational expenditure as well as house expenses. I need your kind support. Please help me....
Age: 16
Gender: Female
My name is Sumanjot Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my higher study.
Age: 13
Gender: Female
My name is Sumanpreet Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my future study.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
My name is Sumanpreet Kaur. My father is a tailor and mother is a peon, they both have low income. So, they cannot afford my school fees. So, please help me for my higher study.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
My name is Sumanpreet Kaur. My father is a tailor, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me to attain my goal.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
My name is Sumitpal Singh. I am a student of class eleventh. My father is an assistant at the local Gurdwara Sahib. His source of income is below poverty line. We live on the premises of Gurdwara sahib. We don’t own any property. Paying my school fees is out of bounds. Please help me with the fee.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
I am Sumneet Kaur. I understand that an educated girl can have an influential impact on the society, provided I have validate education. I belong to a petty farming family with limited resources. Please support me by sponsoring my education and a promising future.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
I am Supandeep Singh. My parents are handicapped, We have some fields. We are totally dependent on field's income Which is very low. So, I need your help for complete my further study. Please help & support me !!
Age: 19
Gender: Female
FATHERLESS! My mother is only to earn our daily meal by working as a sweeper in colony. It is very difficult for her to pay my along with my 2 sibling's Education. I need your help for my further study. Please help me!
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Hello ! I am Surinder Singh from Tarntaran . I am very good at academic but due to father's less income he can't pay huge amount of money to the school . With your financial support I can complete my study . I need 14 pounds per month and 168 pounds per year . Please donate me 14 pounds per month to complete my further study .
Age: 18
Gender: Male
I'm Surinder Singh. My father does labour work but his annual income is very less. It is very hard for him to manage household expenses as well as my school fee . But I want to fulfill my dream. So, I need your support.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
My name is Surjit Singh. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please support me.
Age: 11
Gender: Female
My name is Surpreet Kaur. My father is a Pathi Singh, he has low income. So,he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
I am Swarn Kaur . My father is a carpenter, he has low income & can't afford my school fees. I am an intelligent student & want to become a teacher. Please help me , So my dream will come true. Please !!