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Sponsor A Child
Sponsored Students

Impactful Sponsorship: Beneficiary Highlights

Explore the journeys of our sponsored students who have thrived and excelled, thanks to the transformative benefits of educational sponsorships.


Age: 10
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet Kaur

I am Sehajpreet Kaur. My father has passed away, and my mother has left me alone. Now, my three sisters and I rely on our grandparents for support. My grandfather, who works as a laborer, earns very little, and he is constant struggle for him to afford our education fees. So your support in continue my education by paying my school fees would realy helpful for me.


Age: 14
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet Kaur

My name is Sehajpreet Kaur. My father is property dealer. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my education.


Age: 9
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet Kaur

My name is Sehajpreet Kaur. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my study.


Age: 10
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet Kaur

My name is Sehajpreet Kaur. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my study.


Age: 8
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet Kaur

My name is Sehajpreet Kaur. My father is farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me.


Age: 13
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet Kaur

My name is Sehajpreet Kaur. I am FATHERLESS. We are two sisters. My mother is doing work at home. It is very hard for her to manage household expenses. Please help me financially...


Age: 14
Gender: Female

Sehajpreet kaur

I am Sehajpreet Kaur. We are two sisters. My father has died in an accident. My mother do some labour work. She can't afford my school fees because of low income. So please help me to complete my studies.


Age: 15
Gender: Male

Sehajpreet Singh

My name is Sehajpreet Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So please help me.


Age: 7
Gender: Male

Sehajpreet Singh

My name is Sehajpreet Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, I need your help for my study.


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Sehajpreet Singh

My father’s work as a painter and combine operator is our sole source of income, making it hard to manage household expenses. Consequently, paying for school fees is a significant challenge. Your support would greatly ease this difficulty and help me continue my education.


Age: 14
Gender: Male

Sehajpreet Singh

My name is Sehajpreet Singh. My father is expired. My mother is mentally upset and depend on pension. So, she can't afford my school fee. So, I need you help.


Age: 7
Gender: Male

Sehajveer Singh

My name is Sehajveer Singh. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees.


Age: 12
Gender: Male

Sehajveer Singh

My name is Sehajveer Singh. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher studies.


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Sehajveer Singh

My name is Sehajveer Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me.


Age: 10
Gender: Male

Sehejbir Singh

My name is Sehejbir Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please support me for my education.


Age: 9
Gender: Female

Sehnajpreet Kaur

My name is Sehnajpreet Kaur. My father works tirelessly as a driver, but his earnings are very little. We also have a small plot of land where we grow food just to sustain ourselves. Despite his best efforts, it's extremely difficult to manage all our expenses.I dream of continuing my education, but without help, it seems impossible. Your support is very precious paying my school fee.


Age: 6
Gender: Female

Shabadjot Kaur

My name is Shabadjot Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 12
Gender: Female

Shabadpreet Kaur

My name is Shabadpreet Kaur. My father is a Turban Coach, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.


Age: 11
Gender: Male

Shabadpreet Singh

My Name is Shabadpreet Singh. My Father is dye fitter. He has low Income. He Can't afford my School Fees. So, please Help for my Study.


Age: 8
Gender: Female

Shagandeep Kaur

My name is Shagandeep Kaur. My father is an auto driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Sharandeep Singh

My name is Sharandeep Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me.


Age: 19
Gender: Female

Sharanjeet Kaur

My name is Sharanjeet Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me to attain my goal.


Age: 13
Gender: Female

Sharanjeet Kaur

Sharanjeet Kaur's dad is a farmer who doesn't earn much. Because of this, Sharanjeet can't afford her school fees. She really wants to keep studying, so she's asking for help. She's looking for scholarships for her education going.


Age: 16
Gender: Female

Sharanpreet Kaur

My name is Sharanpreet Kaur. My father is a paathi singh, as he has very low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher studies.


Age: 8
Gender: Female

Sharanpreet Kaur

My name is Sharanpreet Kaur. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.


Age: 21
Gender: Male

Sharanpreet Singh

I am Sharanpreet Singh & my father has died. I am living with my mother and grandmother. My mother does little work of sewing, she has low income. So I need your help. Please support me !!


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Sher Singh

My name is Sher Singh. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.


Age: 8
Gender: Male

Sher Singh

My name is Sher Singh. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my education.


Age: 10
Gender: Female

Shinejot Kaur

My name is Shinejot Kaur. Since losing my father and living with my grandparents after my mother left, we struggle with their pension and milk sales not enough for our expenses and my school fees. Your help with my school fees would mean everything to me, ensuring I can continue my education despite our challenges.


Age: 21
Gender: Male

Shivcharan Singh

My name is Shivcharan Singh. My father is electrician. His income is very low and unstable. We have no other source of income. I have very keen interest in studies. So please i need help to complete my studies.


Age: 6
Gender: Male

Shivjot Singh

My name is Shivjot Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 17
Gender: Male

Shubamdip Singh

My name is Shubamdip Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh at local Gurudwara Sahib and mother's stitching occasional orders. Our source of income is below poverty line. Paying for my school fee is out of bounds. Kindly help with my fee.


Age: 18
Gender: Female

Shubdeep Kaur

My name is Shubdeep Kaur. My father owns and cultivates one and half acre of land. Alongside to supplement income he supplies milk to local dairies. Diligent efforts do not stretch enough to cover the basic expenses. It is increasingly difficult to afford the college fee. I solicit funds to pursue studies further.


Age: 18
Gender: Female

Shubhkarmandeep Kaur

I am Shubhkarmandeep Kaur. My parents are legally separated. Currently, I am in the custody of my old aged grandparents. Our living is sustained on limited income obtained from leased farm land and token amount of senior citizen’s pension sanctioned to grand parents. Paying college fee is out of reach. I need assistance for a bright future.


Age: 7
Gender: Male

Shubhpreet Singh

My name is Subhpreet Singh. My father is a farmer, his annual income is low. He can't afford my school fees .Please help me.


Age: 14
Gender: Male

Sidakjot Singh

My name is Sidakjot Singh. My father is a security guard. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.


Age: 16
Gender: Female

Simardeep Kaur

My name is Simardeep Kaur. My father is a carpenter as his income is very low. Due to heavy expenses of our family. He can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study. So, that I can achieve my goal.


Age: 15
Gender: Female

Simarjeet Kaur

My father’s earnings as a laborer are barely enough to meet our basic needs, leaving no room for my school fees. I’m determined to pursue my education and fulfill my dreams, but I need help to make that happen. So, Please help me to continue my study


Age: 26
Gender: Female

Simarjeet Kaur

My name is Simarjeet Kaur. My father does work in factory, he has low income. So, he can't afford my college fees. So, Please help me for my higher education.


Age: 14
Gender: Female

Simarjeet Kaur

My name is Simarjeet Kaur.My father is a farmer.He drink a lot of alcohol.My mother is suffering from many diseases.We are three siblings.I need money for my education because my parents can't afford my school fees.Please help me.....


Age: 15
Gender: Female

Simarjeet Kaur

My name is Simarjeet Kaur. My father passed away. Me and my mother survive with compensatory pension. Study expenses are out of reach. I seek assistance for a brighter future.


Age: 20
Gender: Female

Simarjit Kaur

My name is Simarjit Kaur. I am fatherless. My mother does little work. She has low income. So, she can't afford my college fees. Please help for my future study.


Age: 14
Gender: Female

Simarpreet Kaur

My name is Simarpreet kaur. My father is doing private job in a medical shop.His annnual income is very low.I have a dream to get good education. Please help me...


Age: 18
Gender: Female


My name is Simmi, i am fatherless and my mother does some little work. She has low income. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher study.


Age: 14
Gender: Female


My name is Simran. My father is an electrician, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.
