Age: 9
Gender: Female
Explore the journeys of our sponsored students who have thrived and excelled, thanks to the transformative benefits of educational sponsorships.
Age: 9
Gender: Female
My name is Amanpreet Kaur. My father a driver. His annual income is very less. He is unable to pay my school fee. I need your help to pay my school fee...
Age: 23
Gender: Female
My name is Amanpreet Kaur. My father is a farmer. I have a dream to become a Police Officer but low income of my father doesn't allow me to step up. I need financial support. Please help me....
Age: 19
Gender: Female
My name is Amanpreet Kaur.My father is a farmer.All his income spend on household expenses. We live under poverty level. I need your support for my education. Please help me,..
Age: 19
Gender: Male
I am Amanpreet Singh. I have two sisters. My father works in a workshop and my mother is house wife. He has low income. My father can't afford my school fees. So, I need your help. Please help me...
Age: 18
Gender: Female
My name is Amarjit Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me to attain my goal.
Age: 10
Gender: Female
I'm Amarjot Kaur. My father, who works in a factory as a laborer, does his best to provide for our family, but his income falls short of covering all our expenses, including my school fees. With the responsibility of my grandparents also, our financial struggles have deepened. Your assistance with my school fees would be a beacon of hope for us during these tough times.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Amarjot Kaur. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study. So, that I can attain my goal.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
My name is Amarjot Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
My name is Amarjot Singh. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.
Age: 10
Gender: Male
My name is Amarpal Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Amarveer Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Amarveer Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Aminder Singh. My father is an electrician, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please support me for my education.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
My name is Amrinder Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Male
My name is Amrinder Singh. My father does private job, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
My name is Amrinder Singh.My father does labour work. He can hardly pay for the house expenses.So,it is impossible for my father to pay my school expenses.I don't want to quit my study.I need financial support.Please help me..
Age: 12
Gender: Male
My name is Amrinderjeet Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh at local Gurdwara Sahib. His income is barely enough to cover our monthly expenses. This makes it hard for me to keep up with my studies. With your financial support, I can pursue my education.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
My name is Amrit Singh. My father is a Salesman. he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Amritdeep Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please support me for my education.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
My name is Amritjot Kaur. My father works as a laborer and earns a daily wage, but his income is very low. He finds it difficult to manage both household expenses and school fees. We have no other sources of income. So please assist me with my school fees so that I can continue my education.
Age: 5
Gender: Female
My name is Amritjot Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my future study.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
My name is Amritjot Kaur. We are two siblings. My father is a carpenter, he has very low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, I need your support. Please help me...
Age: 15
Gender: Female
My name is Amritpal Kaur.We are four siblings.My father is a tabla master. His income is very low.He can't pay the fees of his four children.I need financial support for the continuation of my study.Please help me....
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Amritpal Kaur.I am MOTHERLESS.My father is doing private job and his income is very low. My grandparents are also suffered from many diseases.It is very difficult for my father to manage school expenses of me and my sister. I need your kind support. Please help me....
Age: 16
Gender: Female
My name is Amritpal Kaur. My father works as bonded laborer beside being disabled. However, he gets nominal daily wage. As a result it's difficult to manage school fee. Please help me to pursue school education.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
My name is Amritpal Singh. My father is doing labour work . My sister is also studying in seventh class. It is very difficult for him to manage the school expenses of both of us. I need your support to pay my school fees. Please help me...
Age: 12
Gender: Male
My name is Amritpal Singh. My father is a Electrician, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my bright future
Age: 4
Gender: Male
My name is Amritpal Singh. My dad works as a driver, but the money he earns isn't sufficient to cover my school fees and the cost of living. So I am asking for a little extra help to keep my education.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
My name is Amritpal Singh. My parents do not live together. I lives with my mother. My mother does stitching work. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help for my bright future study.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
My name is Amritpal Singh. I am thirteen years old. My father serves as Granthi besides being disabled. Paying school fee is an arduous task with his modest income. I would be deeply great full for any support provided to me.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
I am Anamika. My father is expired one year before. My mother is working on someone's Boutique. Her income is not stable. We are 3 brother and sister. My mother can't bear my study expenses because of low income. So, please help me to achieve my goal.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Anand Singh. My father is a private teacher and farmer. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Anayadeep Kaur. I am class second student. My father farms his land. His income is low and can't afford my school fee. I would greatly appreciate any assistance with my school fee to help secure a brighter future.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Anchalpreet Kaur. My father is a mechanic. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.
Age: 9
Gender: Female
My name is Aneeshdeep Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fee. Please help me for my study.
Age: 9
Gender: Female
My name is Aneeshdeep Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Angad Singh. My father is a driver. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my further study.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Angadveer Singh. My father is a driver, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher study.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Angdeep Singh. My father is a plumber. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher study.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
My name is Angit. My father is passed away. My mother is working in a factory and depends on pension. She has low income. So, he can not afford my college fees. So, Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Anhad Kaur. My father does work at service station, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Anjali. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.
Age: 24
Gender: Female
My name is Anjali. My father is a tailor. With low income, he can't arrange my college fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
I am Anmol Chouhan. We are two siblings. My father does labour work on very less wage and his work is impermanent . Due to low income , he can't afford my school fees. Please help me...
Age: 19
Gender: Female
I am Anmol Chohan.My father does labour work, he has low income.So,it's very difficult for him to manage all my educational expenses. So,I need your kind support for the betterment of my upcoming future.