Age: 8
Gender: Male
Explore the journeys of our sponsored students who have thrived and excelled, thanks to the transformative benefits of educational sponsorships.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjanpal Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
FATHERLESS.My Name is Gurjant Singh and my mother is only person in the family who is hardly earning our basic meal. It is very difficult for my mother to pay my school expenditure. I need your support for my Further Education.Please help me.
Age: 6
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjas Kaur. My father is granthi singh. He has low income. So, he cannot afford my school fees. Please help for my study.
Age: 4
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjeet Kaur. I am three years old. My father serves as Raggi Singh. Paying school fee is an uphill task with his modest income. I would be deeply great full for any support provided to me.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjeet kaur. My father is a driver.All my father's income spend on household problems.He can't pay my school fees.Please help me.....
Age: 9
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjeewan Kaur. My father is a preacher and he has some land. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my study.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjit Kaur. My father is zealous labourer. I am pursuing graduation. Managing household expenses is an uphill task. To provide sustainable support for my family, I wish to pursue my studies further. I would be grateful for any support that you can provide to cover my college fee.
Age: 11
Gender: Male
My father works in a carpenter shop. Despite his efforts, his income is barely enough only for family basic needs. They cannot afford my school fees. So please help by covering my school fees so I can continue my studies.
Age: 11
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjivanman Singh. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, please help me for my bright future.
Age: 21
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjot Kaur. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my study.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjot Kaur. My father is a security guard. I am the youngest of three children. He earns Rs. 250 a day and we manage our needs within that.I need your Support. Please help me...
Age: 10
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjot Kaur. My father is a Granthi Singh. My mother is suffering from many diseases. Annual income of my father is very low and most of his income is spent on the treatment of my mother. I need financial support. Please hep me...
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjot Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my further study.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjot Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Gurjot Kaur. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.
Age: 9
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is a farmer. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is a carpenter. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher study.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is a driver. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is a mechanic. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher study.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher study.
Age: 11
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. I am class sixth student. My father farms his land and supplies milk to dairies. His income is low and can't afford my school fee. I would greatly appreciate any assistance with my school fee to help secure a brighter future.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. We are two siblings. My parents are handicapped but my father does little work, he has very low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, I need your support. Please help me...
Age: 13
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh and his earning is very less to support both me and my two sisters education. I need your help to pay my school expenses.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh.Me and my mother lives with my mother's parents because my grandparents tortured my mother for money .There is no source of income for us .It is very difficult for us to survive in the world of inflation.I need your support to pay my tuition fees
Age: 11
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is a painter, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. So, Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My parents does not live together. I lives with my mother. She does labour work. So, she can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Gurjot Singh. My father is farmer. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my study.
Age: 17
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkamal Kaur.My father is a labourer. His annual income is very low. He cannot afford my school fees. I need your help for my further education. Please help me...
Age: 7
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkamal Singh. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
I am Gurkamaldeep Singh. My father is a laborer and his annual income is very low, due to which he is unable to pay my school expenses. So I need your support to complete my further studies.Please help me!
Age: 17
Gender: Male
ssa ji I am Gurkaran Singh from Sangrur. I want to become a Police officer , but , my father can't afford my fees due to his low earning. I need your kind Support for my further education .
Age: 13
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkeerat Kaur. My father is a preacher, as his income is very low. He can't afford my school expenses. So, Please help me for my higher studies.
Age: 5
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkeerat Kaur. My father is a farmer. He has low income. So, he cannot afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkiran Kaur. My father is a security guard. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 7
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkiran Kaur. My father is a Security Guard in a school, he has very low income. So, he can't afford my school. Please help me to for my higher education.
Age: 11
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father is a Granthi Singh, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.
Age: 8
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkirat Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees.
Age: 5
Gender: Female
My name is Gurkirat Kaur. My father does labour work, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.
Age: 5
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father is a farmer, he has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my education.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father is a vendor. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my higher education.
Age: 8
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father does labour work. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help me for my bright future.
Age: 9
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father is a mason by profession and my mother is a seamstress. Their earnings are meager. It is challenge to manage both our household and educational expenses. Your support would be great help for me.
Age: 6
Gender: Male
My name is Gurkirat Singh. My father is a granthi Singh. He has low income. So, he can't afford my school fees. Please help for my higher study.