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Sponsor A Child

Popular Question About us

Millions of children around the world need help to break the vicious cycle of poverty because not being able to afford an education restricts them from reaching their potential. In Punjab, more and more youngsters are dropping out of their studies everyday due to the unaffordable costs associated with studying full time. On the other hand, the major drug dealing network in Punjab is luring new addicts everyday which leaves many of our youngsters illiterate, addicted to intoxicants and living hopeless lives.

The EDUCATE PUNJAB PROJECT, operated by GURU NANAK REGISTER CHARITY IN U.K, is a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting the significance of reciting Gurbani and living by Guru Sahib’s teachings. Our focus extends to providing career guidance, emphasizing and motivating young individuals to pursue higher education, aiming for a community of academically, professionally, and spiritually inclined GurSikhs. With the blessings of 'Nation Jewel,' Bhai Jasbir Singh Ji Khalsa Khanne Wale, in 2008, we initiated a humble request (Ardas) at the Akal Takht Sahib, marking the launch of a 'decade of spiritual renaissance.' Since then, our extensive teams across Punjab have influenced over 90,000 youngsters. Recorded in our database, these individuals have begun reciting Guru Granth Sahib Ji within their homes over the past three years. Among them, many hail from economically challenged backgrounds and are currently receiving scholarships to support their ongoing education.

All applicants seeking scholarships from us share a common goal—to pursue higher education and realize their career aspirations. This commitment is underscored by their academic achievements, as evidenced by the 'A' grades attained by all students in our database. By engaging in full-time studies, students significantly reduce the likelihood of succumbing to the influence of drugs, with their primary focus being the annual achievement of at least 70% marks—a prerequisite for scholarship eligibility under the EDUCATE PUNJAB PROJECT.
Attaining the 70% benchmark opens doors for students to receive support and funding, offering the young generation in Punjab the opportunity to acquire qualifications essential for professional careers. Through your sponsorship, you contribute to funding a student's transformative education—a journey that can break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and drug addiction, paving the way for a prosperous future.

The EDUCATE PUNJAB PROJECT team conducts daily visits to schools in both villages and cities across all 22 districts of Punjab. During these visits, the team emphasizes the importance of daily recitation of Gurbani. Additionally, they identify talented yet economically disadvantaged students who consistently achieve 70% or higher in examinations. These students are selected from school registers and, if needed, offered scholarships to ensure they can pursue their career goals with adequate financial support.
To apply for these scholarships, students must go through an official application process, providing detailed information about their financial background. The initiative recognizes that many gifted children are at risk of discontinuing their education due to financial constraints caused by poverty. Addressing this challenge was the fundamental motivation behind launching the entire project. Over the past three years, our team has successfully built a network encompassing 3000 schools throughout Punjab.

We carefully assess the financial background of students applying for scholarships to ensure alignment with our policy conditions. Those meeting the criteria are registered in our database and included in the 'waiting list of needy students.' When a sponsor volunteers to support a student, the designated financial assistance is sent directly to the student's personal bank account. In the case of students under 18, the funds are transferred to their parent's account, while for orphans, the Fund is directed to a responsible relative's personal account. Regardless of the recipient, we mandate and receive proof of any expenditure, be it admission fees, tuition, or transportation expenses.

A significant contributing factor stems from the mass genocide of Sikhs in 1984 and the subsequent years. During this period, an entire generation of Sikhs was targeted for execution, resulting in the loss of many families' primary earners, as men and young males were systematically victimized. Given that men traditionally played a more prominent role in generating household income, their absence brought about a profound shift in the financial dynamics of Sikh households.
Currently, a second generation of Punjabis is facing a similar fate, this time due to the harsh consequences of substance abuse. The dearth of working-class males has left and continues to leave households mired in poverty. As a result, the new generation of youth is grappling not only with the challenge of covering living expenses but also with the financial burdens associated with education. The increasing number of school dropouts each day is propelling our youth into a cycle of poverty, lack of education, and entanglement in the widespread drug epidemic. This destructive loop jeopardizes the prospects of our emerging generation, hindering the nation's development.

Certainly not. Our database encompasses students located in all 22 districts of Punjab, attending numerous educational institutions. The age range of our students spans from 5 to 30 years old, encompassing individuals from primary school to those pursuing Master's degree programs.

Certainly. You not only have the option to personally connect with your sponsored student through phone calls but can also arrange in-person meetings whenever feasible. We strongly encourage fostering a meaningful relationship with your sponsored student, as this connection has the potential to positively impact both lives. Gaining insight into the daily life of an average youngster in Punjab can be fulfilling for sponsors.
For the sponsored student, knowing that they have someone providing support enhances their confidence, helping them stay focused on the invaluable opportunity many of their peers yearn for—a chance at education. However, please note that if you prefer to provide financial support without regular contact, that's completely acceptable. Your level of involvement is entirely based on your comfort and preference.

Upon sponsoring a student, you can expect to receive:
  • Annual progress reports.
  • An opportunity to personally meet your sponsored student firsthand.

We kindly ask you to complete direct debit forms to provide us with sufficient contact information. This allows you the flexibility to make one-time, yearly, monthly, or weekly payments according to your preference. Additionally, we accept payments through cheques. Online sign-ups are available, and you can use PayPal for payments. Some sponsors choose to personally deliver cash to their sponsored student, which is acceptable as long as we receive proper confirmation of the transaction.

You have the option to establish a direct debit directly from the donation page Alternatively, you may request the necessary forms to be sent to you by post or email from our head office.

Every donation from a sponsor is directly transferred to the student's bank account, and we only request the necessary amount from sponsors. For instance, if a student can cover their bus fares but needs assistance with tuition, we only send funds for tuition. It's important to note that any additional cash sent by a sponsor directly to the student, beyond the 'amount required' stated on the student's information forms, is not our responsibility. Our obligation is solely for the amount specified by the student in their application forms.

However, if a sponsor believes the sponsored student is in significant need and wishes to provide extra support, we recommend verifying this. Visiting the student's home to gain a firsthand understanding of their situation can be beneficial. Nevertheless, we do not assume responsibility for these additional payments.

The administrative expenses of EPP are sustained through the generous contributions of the Sangat community. Numerous individuals have established direct debits, allocating a portion of their income to support the operational costs of our organization, rather than sponsoring a specific student. All our projects thrive on this financial backing. Gratitude for your support!

Thousands of students are being sponsored to date by this project and completing their studies.

No. Up until now, financial help is only received from Sangat.

No. We do not receive any funding from the government.

This project is still in its infancy, Punjab is a starting point and if this long-term project manages to achieve our aims then we will consider other places also. We believe that catching a ball one by one is easier than trying to catch 10 all at the same time. Time will tell whether this project has been a success because it involves the development of an entire youth generation.

Prior to disbursing the subsequent installment of scholarships, generously provided by our sponsors, we meticulously review the receipts submitted by students for the preceding month. To facilitate this process, regular meetings are conducted every Sunday in various districts, typically at nearby Gurudwara Sahibs, where we collect receipts and Sehaj Path reports. Until we receive the necessary documentation from students, the next payment is not released into their accounts. This system is in place to uphold transparency and ensure that funds are utilized appropriately by the students.
In the interest of transparency and at the request of sponsors, we gladly share receipts submitted by their sponsored students. Additionally, at the conclusion of each school year, we request the students' academic results from the previous year. Copies of these reports for sponsored students are also available to sponsors upon request.

Our postal address as follows:
48, Begoana, Near Lohara Bridge, Ludhiana, Punjab 141006
You can reach us at the following phone numbers:
078884 91770
For correspondence, please use our email address:
Visit our website at for more information.
Stay updated on our activities by following us on Facebook at 'Educate Punjab Project' and watching our YouTube channel, 'Guru Nanak Multiversity.'

“I wanted to share just how much power Gurbani has and how Gurbani has helped me in all places”. I had a big interest in studying but never used have the required finances to pay for my educational costs. I never used have the Fund to even buy a book. I remember once, I picked Guava fruits from my home trees and sold them in my class to purchase a history book for 150 Rupees. After studying +2, I would wonder how I would ever study further if I barely managed to buy a book. I was soon devastated after being forced to quit education. By managing to gather cash from different sources such as my auntie or from the sowing I was forced to take up after leaving college, I managed to register for a computer engineering course. Furthermore, I again struggled to pay for the tuition costs. However, whilst studying, Guru Nanak Multiversity’s team came to my college who preached the importance of reading Guru Granth Sahib Ji. I started a ‘Sehaj Paat’ under their influence and started receiving financial support from the Multiversity to continue studying a web designing course. After starting ‘Sehaj Paath’, my brother decided to keep his Kes, my sister has also started a ‘Sehaj Paath’. The biggest thing was when I came home wearing a Kirpan with a turban on my head. My father, who did not want me to study, called me ‘Puttar’. From my struggles, I have learnt how Vaheguroo helps us all and I wish just like I have been helped, other children who want to study, also receive help.
EPP: 504, Gaganjot Kaur(Punjab).
After their father’s death, Jagdeep Singh and his two younger sisters were left fatherless at infancy. Struggling to pay for their living costs with an annual household income of 30,000 Rupees (£360 a year!), Jagdeep Singh did not want such poverty to ruin his chances of achieving his career objective of being an AIS officer. However, after receiving help through the ‘Educate Punjab Project’, he commented:
“This Multiversity is currently paying for all my study costs and where I thank them, I also promise that in the future I will be a just, GurSikh officer. I will keep my nation’s head high and in the same way I have been helped, I will help needy children”.
EPP: 1329, Jagdeep Singh,(Barnala, Punjab).
“As far back as I can remember, my family has been facing difficulties through poverty.5 years ago a car accident caused severe injuries to my father and left him bed-bound with two broken legs. This only brought more financial struggle for us. I was forced to leave my studies, but I had faith in Vaheguroo. Under the influence of Guru Nanak Multiversity, my sister advised me to start a ‘Sehaj Paath’ of Guru Granth Sahib Ji which has transformed my life ever since. I have re-started my studies through this Multiversity to fulfil my dreams and I want to study higher education”.
EPP: 502, Sukhvir Kaur (Moga, Punjab).
“It had become very difficult for me to continue studying after my father’s death due to a lack of finances. However, through ‘Educate Punjab Project’, I am receiving sufficient funds to continue my education and have passed my 11th year for which, I am very thankful. Like I have been doing under this Multiversity’s influence, I will continue to read Guru Granth Sahib Ji and will advise others to do the same. When I am older, I will donate portions of my earnings to help poor, needy GurSikh students”.
EPP: 233, Nirmalpreet Kaur (Ludhiana, Punjab).
“With the help of this Multiversity and Vahiguroo’s grace, I have completed my +1 Medical course. I just want to thank all those sponsors who are helping children like us to make our dreams come true. I cannot thank you in words”.
EPP: 2037, Mandeep Kaur (Gurdaspur, Punjab).